Tuesday 27 April 2010


Question 1
My media product uses, develop and challenge forms and conventions in many different ways. A way in which my media product challenges conventions in thriller films is who the villain in our film turns out to be. The fact that our villain in our film is in fact a fireman, this is challenging conventions as firemen are seen as good law-abiding citizens not people who will commit crimes. As well as this, our film also uses the convention of thriller films that the criminal in our film is a male. If we were to challenge this convention, we would have a woman to act as the criminal.

Question 2
Our media product represents the social group of students and teenagers. The house that gets set on fire is full of young people who are having a house party. This representation of teenagers is typical of this modern society as shown in the image bellow. 


Also represented in out media product are criminals, by the way that our actor was dressed in all black, he is seen as mysterious and sly. This is the general assumption that most people have of criminals. The final group represented in our film was people who work for services such as the fire brigade. It shows at the end that people are not always what you think, such as the fireman who turned out to be a criminal who set a house on fire.

Question 3
A media institution that may distribute our media product would be one that has experience in distributing films of a similar genre. An example of this is Omni film distribution. A company like this would be perfect to distribute our film as they have experience with our target market. They will know who to aim our media product at, and how to go about advertising it before being released. By choosing a company like this, it will allow for the best outcome when it comes to distributing the film, where as if we chose a company that’s not experienced in distributing thriller films they may not do as well.

Question 4
The audiences for our media product are people that live in rural areas that enjoy films that challenge conventions of normal thrillers. Also people who generally enjoy thriller films would appreciate watching our film. The way that our film opens with action and a house being set on fire, would leave the audience asking questions like why it happened, this would make them more likely to want to watch the rest of the film to find out more about the plot.

Question 5
In our media product we attracted and addressed our audience in a number of ways. One being how we challenge thriller conventions, by showing our audience that the villain in our film infact works for the fire service, this would shock most people in the audience and make them carry on watching the film. Another way the audience would be attracted to the film is the way that at the beginning of the film, there is no way of knowing what is going on until it actually happens, this would make the audience feel suspense and attract them to watch the rest of the film.

Question 6
I have learnt a lot about technologies to do with producing a film during this project. I’ve learnt how to do smooth pan shots using a camera and realized how to work out the best angle for the shot. After shooting the film, I was able to improve my skills in editing videos, but more importantly the sound track. I learnt how to perfect the sound in the film, to erase all background noise that’s not needed but keep the audio that is important to the film. I’ve realised that the use of the technologies in the modern film industry are vitally important and films would be nowhere near as good or professional without this use of technology.

Question 7
I have learnt a lot in the time between my preliminary task and this full product. I now have a bigger understanding of how to use the technology needed to create a finished film, including final cut and sound track pro. I found out how to make the final outcome look more professional by doing little things such as transitions between scenes that fade in and out instead of just going black then cutting into the next scene. Little things that I have learnt through out the course like that have helped make the final outcome look smooth and finished properly.

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